One of my previous posts addressed the problems regarding underrepresentation of nonblack people of color in the US. Whenever there is some sort of misrepresentation of black people in the media we see a lot of backlash and anger from a good portion of the community, not just the black community but we just don’t see that kind of backlash when it comes to other races. For example, Coldplay’s newish song, Hymn for the Weekend, was filmed in India but it was honestly offensive. A lot of people won’t agree with me but let’s go a bit deeper. They show a little boy covered in blue paint near the beginning of the video but no one really knows what that signifies, unless you had previous knowledge about it. The little boy was dressed up as Lord Vishnu, the Hindu god that is meant to protect the world from harm but of course, it wasn’t relevant to Coldplay or anyone that directed the video to educate the public about my religion. They have people dressed up as Hindu gods popping up at various points in the video but there’s no real reason as to why they need to be in the video!! They’re just using my families religion for their video’s ‘aesthetic’ rather than meaningful representation. Another problem is their representation of Holi. The video for the song was released on January 29th, almost a good 3 months before the actual  celebration of Holi, probably proves they don’t actually care about representing Holi, just the aesthetic of it. Also, it probably reminded them of the color runs that are usually held here, even though that’s just not it… Another big issue I had with this video was the fact that they had freaking BEYONCE come to India to be featured in it when there were plenty of Indian that probably would’ve been a better option. No one cares about the cultural appropriation in this video because Beyonce is ‘literally a queen’ and ‘bae’ but why are we ignoring the fact that they asked Beyonce to be featured in it while they asked an Indian actress, Sonam Kapoor, to make a tiny appearance at the end of the video for not even 10 seconds. It upsets me that the cultural appropriation in this video just wasn’t a big deal to anyone because they literally took my religion AND my culture and turned it into an accessory, especially considering the fact that Coldplay is a British band. The British were in my country for so long and now they’re back to use me as an accessory? Yeah no, British band, nama-stay out of my country please.


One thought on “Daaaamn Britain, back at it again with the Bullshit

  1. LOVE: The British were in my country for so long and now they’re back to use me as an accessory? Yeah no, British band, nama-stay out of my country please.

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